Fysiotherapie Beuzenberg

9.6 / 10 | 52 waarderingen

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4 locations in Groningen

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About Physiotherapy Beuzenberg

Groningen & Peize

  • 4 locations in the center of Groningen.
  • Location in Peize (within Peize Medical Center)
  • Schoulder specialist
  • (Lower)Back specialist
  • Specialist in jaw and headache complaints
  • A wide range of specializations.
  • Quickly your first appointment.
  • Spacious opening hours.
  • Reimbursement by all health insurers

Physiotherapy Beuzenberg is a modern, atmospheric physiotherapy practice with two locations in the heart of Groningen and one in Peize. At three locations we are ready for everyone (young and old!) to help them get fit and stay fit. In our soothing, pleasant atmosphere we like to take care of you, together with you.

More about us


We would like to let our customers talk about their experiences with Physiotherapy Beuzenberg.

Helped several times by a skilled therapist. Both treatment and advice perfectly tailored so that I was quickly rid of my injuries. And all this in a beautiful and easily accessible location.

Robert Verburg

Clear diagnosis by ultrasound, confirmed by an MRI scan. (tendon rupture in the shoulder) Now a comprehensive treatment plan drawn up for full recovery. Therapists who understand their profession!

Rolf Bandringa

Nice physio and quickly get rid of my complaints. Quickly get rid of my complaints, nice people and I could go quickly


Nice physio and quick to get rid of my complaints. Quickly get rid of my complaints, nice people and I could go quickly


Our team

Meet the team of Physiotherapy Beuzenberg

Rutger Beuzenberg

Physiotherapist (Practice owner)

Alice van der Kloet

Hand Therapist

Lex Ronde


Klaske Visser

Manual therapist

Lars Hogen-Esch


Rianne van de Water


Stefan Oorthuizen


Elwin Kloosterman


Niels Stijf

Physiotherapist (Master sportphysiotherapist)

Contact us


The latest news in the field of physiotherapy

Vanaf 1 januari 2025 wordt fysiotherapie bij reumatoïde artritis (Reuma) vergoed! 

Vanaf 1 januari 2025 wordt oefentherapie bij reumatoïde artritis (RA) vergoed! Dit is een belangrijke ontwikkeling voor mensen met reumatoïde...
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Een kijkje binnen onze praktijk aan de Noorderhaven in Groningen

Fysiotherapie Groningen Tour Noorderhaven

Een kijkje binnen onze praktijk in Peize.

Praktijk tour Peize – Fysiotherapie Beuzenberg  

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